There are a lot of things not worth getting too excited about. However, when it comes to doing something that literally takes peoples lives then it is time to become very frustrated. I am writing about a deliberate preplanned act.
The shooting at the Safeway in Tuscan AZ is disturbing at several levels. Do not misunderstand what I am about to type, I am very saddened by all the deaths, believing they should not have happened.
Old people have lived their lives and continue to contribute to society in other ways than they did when younger. These are the easiest to accept though most assuredly wrong.
Younger adults should be contributing to society in the various ways working age people contribute. These Aramco less easy to accept, contributing to the frustration.
The children, especially the younger ones, who die is the most frustrating. While the other categories have lived their lives to one degree or another, the very young are still just in the yearly learning stage. There was so much potential. They are the ones it should not happen to. These are the least acceptable deaths.
How to maintain a free society and still protect society. the goal of laws is to protect society. For all the importance in this country of protecting the rights of individuals the protection of society is, in fact, over riding.The alternative is chaos.
While the shooting in Tuscan probably was not a political as such it still had ramifications. When I was a young man my first opportunity to vote was in the election that saw JFK take the presidency. I had voted for Nixon. As everyone knows, several years later JFK was assassinated. I was angry. While I wanted him out of office killing him was not my idea of how to accomplish that. Do that by voting.
I have been frustrated in the tone of campaigns for several years. Also, while listening to politically oriented shows where there is a host and several guests discussing issues they talk over each other and show little to no respect for what is being said also contributes to our current situation. There is at the very least an apparent lack of civility that needs to be changed.
Now is the time for that change.