Monday, November 1, 2010


Last night's Sunday Night Football game was a good game in terms of action and, thus, excitement. The Saints apparently were hungrier than the Steelers, thus their win. Reading between the lines of the Steelers writeup afterwards leads me to suspect the writer saw the outcome the same way. To NO congrats on the win.

On the other hand, I think the Steelers could have won the game except for their offense. The Steeler offense, to my eye, has for a very long time had trouble with scoring even in games they win. For example, late in the game I watched a Steeler receiver catch the ball, carry it for great yardage twisting & turning only to have an opposition player knock the ball loose leading to a Saints score. In short, the Steelers have turnover issues.
From what I could also gather, the NO Saints had more men on the line than the Steelers had been facing for some while. Thus, the Steelers were having trouble making long plays. Did the Steelers make the necessary adjustments? To some degree.
For the Steelers sake I hope they learn the right lessons from their last loss fast. Two losses should not be fatal to their march to the Play Off season. However, that could mean they are tied, at best, for first place in their division (I haven't looked at the current standings yet).
