Monday, June 27, 2011

Debt and Related Issues

In Washington, as usual, no matter the real price, politicians cannot bring themselves to act as statesmen/stateswomen. It is always more important to do their respective best to protect their respective reelection prospects than to do what is in the long term good for the country.
Irrespective of what is happening in the rest of the world our Congress continues to not learn lessons the easy way. Several European countries are demonstrating why the spendthrift way is improper behavior. Because of politics the wisest and best road to recovery is being ignored. Ideology, so far as the Congress people are concerned, is by far the most important concept to work from and defend. Help!
At this point I have little faith in either major party and have no idea regarding any of the other parties. Consequently, I have elected not to donate any money at this time.
We need to pray for God's guidance in this and other matters.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It has been several weeks and the situation appears to be getting worse.  I have read, like others, of shortcuts other mistakes by company & government officials that have set up this problem. That includes inadequately estimating the potential worse case scenario for designing the power plants. The desire to save money seems to get in the way of wise choices.
The high toll of lost lives, financial & property damage and loss, by those living in the effected area tells you who is paying the high price; what it costs to try to help only moderates, but does not in any way properly reimburse these many people.
I am wondering how many people will end up with health issues related to the nuclear damage and leakage. The tax payer will end up paying the bill and, I suspect, those effected will also be paying. It is my opinion that those government officials and company personnel who made decisions that set up and led to this problem should be paying directly from their own funds to help the survivors. Also, this is one case where, if law was violated, jail time should be imposed.
If contaminated water is leaking into the ground and, from there, into plants and water, including the oceon, then it is probable that the floor that seals the plant from the earth is breached. If this is the case then a way must be found to minimise its spread, if possible. It strikes me that the authorities should have already sealed the Fukushima nuclear reactor plants so that there could be no leaks into the atmosphere already. Then all they would have to do is concentrate on protecting, as best they can, to protect plants and water.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Does Life Go The Way You Want?

Sometimes I wonder whether life goes the way it should for anyone. It is interesting, so to speak, how some people just never seem to have anything really terrible happem to them. Others seem to experience only the worst type of nightmare. Decisions play into this. I try to live within the law for example. I have experienced frustrations but nothing life and death. Others experience what could be termed life or death situations, sometimes more than once. Read the papers, listen to the news and wonder.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Senseless Shootings

There are a lot of things not worth getting too excited about. However, when it comes to doing something that literally takes peoples lives then it is time to become very frustrated. I am writing about a deliberate preplanned act.

The shooting at the Safeway in Tuscan AZ is disturbing at several levels. Do not misunderstand what I am about to type, I am very saddened by all the deaths, believing they should not have happened.

Old people have lived their lives and continue to contribute to society in other ways than they did when younger. These are the easiest to accept though most assuredly wrong.

Younger adults should be contributing to society in the various ways working age people contribute. These Aramco less easy to accept, contributing to the frustration.

The children, especially the younger ones, who die is the most frustrating.  While the other categories have lived their lives to one degree or another, the very young are still just in the yearly learning stage. There was so much potential. They are the ones it should not happen to. These are the least acceptable deaths.

How to maintain a free society and still protect society. the goal of laws is to protect society. For all the importance in this country of protecting the rights of individuals the protection of society is, in fact, over riding.The alternative is chaos.

While the shooting in Tuscan probably was not a political as such it still had ramifications. When I was a young man my first opportunity to vote was in the election that saw JFK take the presidency. I had voted for Nixon. As everyone knows, several years later JFK was assassinated. I was angry. While I wanted him out of office killing him was not my idea of how to accomplish that. Do that by voting.

I have been frustrated in the tone of campaigns for several years. Also, while listening to politically oriented shows where there is a host and several guests discussing issues they talk over each other and show little to no respect for what is being said also contributes to our current situation. There is at the very least an apparent lack of civility that needs to be changed.

Now is the time for that change.


Monday, December 13, 2010

What Happens When Baby's Around

We had Jazmine once again starting on Friday. As it happened we still had her going into Sunday afternoon as her mother (our daughter) was, as the figure of speech has it, running behind.

I bought lunch for my wife, Reiko, and me on he way home from Church. Of course, we ate shortly thereafter, feeding Jazmine as well.

My favorite football team, the Steelers, were playing that afternoon and it turned out I could watch the game on the TV. While my wife was watching our granddaughter I settled down to watching the game. I had gotten past the point where Cincinnati had scored first when suddenly I was informed I would have to take over watching granddaughter duties. So I set aside any idea of staying with the game; knowing I could fine out how it went later made this easier.

The approach I took was to come up with some entertainment I know she enjoys and will stay with. To that end I switched to DVD. We watched a Sing Along disk that runs for over 35 minutes. While she doesn't sing yet she takes great delight listening to the "Home on the Range". She truly enjoys music.

Next I pulled out Tinker Bell's Great Rescue, whatever the actual title. She tends to stay with this as well even though it is not a musical. By the time it was over her mom was here and it was just before 4 PM.

I switched back to TV to see how the game was going. It was over and I did not find my answer there. I went to my computer and learned that the Steelers had won.

Now you know what is of first importance and what is second importance in our household. Making the switch was not something I debated with myself over. I just did it.


Monday, December 6, 2010

12/5 Steelers v Ravens

I watched the game into the third quarter and read about the game as well as watched video. It was a rough, tough, hard hitting, defensive game. Congrats to the Steelers.

It seems to me:  it is clear that at least the refereeing teams are not impartial this year when dealing with a Steeler game. There were two infractions on Steeler players that were not called.I doubt those who committed the infractions will be fined. Not right.


Friday, November 19, 2010


Wife and I saw a production of this musical. The musical, by Elton John and Tim Rice, is based on the Verdi opera of the same name. While the opera was in Italian & performed in for acts this musical was written in English and performed in two. The basic plot is the same.

The cast and crew are, in this production, junior and senior high school students. Everyone who performed in this production were capable or better.  We personally felt at least some of them should have been using a microphone.  The young woman who played Aida reflected training and skill. There was lots of energy.

Were we glad we went? Yes. We got to see one of our grandsons do his part. Did we feel we got our money's worth? Based on the whole performance, yes.
