Sunday, September 12, 2010

Am. Football - Week 1

I am not following all the games but those who wish to certainly may.
Nevertheless, I do follow 1 team and they won today. I had other things that needed to be done before I was comfortable with watching it. Once I finished with those those things I checked to see if the game was being shown locally on TV. As it turned out it was not. Mind you I do not live near where my team is based.
I take advantage of being able to follow the game on my computer taking advantage of the graphic approach. I came in somewhere in the 3rd quarter and the game was tied. Eventually my team took the lead by 3 points, score now 3-9. Then the opposition scored, evening up the score. The next thing I know we are in overtime (OT). My team lost the toss and had to kick. Opposition was unable to score and finally had to give up the ball. With the kick the ball flew to the 50 yard line where the player catching the ball was tackled. In the next play my team moved the ball on a run that ended in the end zone. Mind you, that was the first touchdown of the game. Of course, by the rules the game was over and the extra point was therefore not kicked.
It was an interesting game that was low scoring and probably exciting to watch at times. Just the same, some low scoring games can be boring. I suspect this one was not.
I plan to check out the high lights tomorrow on

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hurricane Earl

Today the sky is cloudy. The temp is in the low to mid 70's. The humidity is or at least feels high. The hurricane called Earl is off North Carolina. Projections indicate that where I am will not be very adversely effected. I am thankful for that. I am pleased that so much of the East coast will not be badly dealt with by it. However, I pray that the area north of me finds that the storm hitting them is, at most, a cat 1. We wish them well. By the way, I've already taken dog for his daily walk.