It has been several weeks and the situation appears to be getting worse. I have read, like others, of shortcuts other mistakes by company & government officials that have set up this problem. That includes inadequately estimating the potential worse case scenario for designing the power plants. The desire to save money seems to get in the way of wise choices.
The high toll of lost lives, financial & property damage and loss, by those living in the effected area tells you who is paying the high price; what it costs to try to help only moderates, but does not in any way properly reimburse these many people.
I am wondering how many people will end up with health issues related to the nuclear damage and leakage. The tax payer will end up paying the bill and, I suspect, those effected will also be paying. It is my opinion that those government officials and company personnel who made decisions that set up and led to this problem should be paying directly from their own funds to help the survivors. Also, this is one case where, if law was violated, jail time should be imposed.
If contaminated water is leaking into the ground and, from there, into plants and water, including the oceon, then it is probable that the floor that seals the plant from the earth is breached. If this is the case then a way must be found to minimise its spread, if possible. It strikes me that the authorities should have already sealed the Fukushima nuclear reactor plants so that there could be no leaks into the atmosphere already. Then all they would have to do is concentrate on protecting, as best they can, to protect plants and water.