Saturday, July 31, 2010

Human History

My latest issue of Scientific American came in the other day. One of the articles ("When the Sea Saved Humanity") deals with how close H. Sapiens almost went extinct. This article was very interesting as it discussed climate change & the struggle to survive the changes. Note that from a certain point on in our very early period of existence for a very long time Africa went from lush landscape to desert & back proved challenging.

There is also an article "Our Neanderthal Brethren" that discusses genome sequencing & what is coming out from that. The author's point is that H. Neanderthalgensis & H. Sapien both share the same parent &, therefore, are brothers. Reviewing NOVA's 3-part series, "How We Became Human", I found the common ancestor to be H. Heidelburgensis.

The NOVA series recapped as well as made some points clear (for me). The air dates were in late 2009. This series + related information can be found on


Thursday, July 29, 2010


Within the past 30 days a missionary that I help support through my church's Mission committee went through a horrendous experience. He works in Haiti. While some of his helpers & he were loading a van to take supplies to another location some men pulled a gun to rob them. He was shot in the leg, rushed to a Doctors w/o Borders site where he received good treatment and eventually flew to the States. He has recovered & will be returning in a few days to continue his service. He is a man of courage and conviction. God be with him and his team.

This post is titled "Various" so I may as well comment on something else. This is a change of subject.

I believe the political process that is in practice now to be distructive. It seems to me that most of our "leaders" are polititions vice states-people (as in "statesmen"). While I have not changed party registration I am tempted. The Libertarian party looks better to me, for example.

I recommend reading a play script written some years ago by Robert Bolt: A Man For All Seasons. yes, he also converted it into a movie script of the same name. It is well worth watching in my opinion.
